Rekeying Lock Cylinders

Imge-0021There are many reasons for re-keying your lock cylinder. You may have too many persons with keys, you may have broken a key in the cylinder, or you may have an old lock which you want to keep but the lock cylinder needs replacing. Whatever the reason, you will definitely need a locksmith. They will advise as to what route to take based on your requirements.

Do you need a Professional Locksmith

Our locks serve a dual purpose. They secure our homes and windows as well as provide some kind of aesthetics to our décor. Because we really do not pay much attention to the kind of abuse the locks get until we have a defective locking system. Many times we only need to re-key the cylinder on the given lock.

If losing track of how many persons have keys for your home; then it is time to re-key your lock cylinder.  Once you realize you have that many persons with access to your home, security is compromised. The re-keying of the lock cylinder is very easy and really, you only need one or two keys for any household, unless you have to give a neighbor for an unknown emergency. If the home is a repurchased house, then, definitely change your locking system. Locksmiths have inside information as to the best locking system for a re-keying lock cylinder, or if you need a new locking system.

If you live in a high crime community it is important you ensure your locking system is as secure as you possibly can. Many persons believe they need to install locking devices that alarm in the event of an intruder or an electronic device with personal coding to lock and unlock. These are pricey to maintain and will only be a deterrent for criminals if you have quick responses from the police. So advice from professional locksmiths is, to either re-key your lock cylinder as a course of maintenance or change the lock over time.

Choosing the right Locksmith for the Job

There are many locksmiths who are very trustworthy while you have some who will inflate the cost per job engaged. It is important you know the locksmith you are employing, or he or she is recommended by someone who has used them for services in the past. You as the homeowner have a pretty keen idea as to the cost of any job you want to be done. You are able to shop around while ensuring your choice of a locksmith is both reasonable and trustworthy. Some of the advertised locksmiths are not true especially to their location or pricing. You as the hirer also have the right to not pay the inflated cost being charged. And, you also have tImge-0022he right report the culprit, as an option, or never use their service.

Some States require locksmiths to be licensed, which is about 15% of all States. Some are affiliated with a company, while, others are freelancers. If searching the Internet, you may want to check the customers’ comments and testimonials for a reputable locksmith. They are helpful guidelines, as to who is available within your community or area. On finding a reputable one who is able to do the job of re-keying your lock cylinder or any other job needed, it is advised to save the name and number. Preferably in your phone contacts, as you never know when you will be in need of one.

Questions to ask when engaging a Locksmith for Re-keying your Lock Cylinder

For the most part, when hiring a contractor, you will ask cost based on the job needed to be done. If using a company for a locksmith job, you need to ask this as well. Next, ask for a price for mileage, and hours estimated for the job, as well as the availability of locksmith,  if a 24-hour service or regular hours. Never assume they will work with your schedule. You have to specify.

Tackling a DIY Re-keying lock Cylinder Job

Many homeowners will choose to tackle a DIY or do-it-yourself job for re-keying their lock cylinder. Kits are available from any hardware store or locking specialist with instructions for a DIY job. The thing is, if you are tackling this job for the first time, it is advised you have an experienced person on hand to help. The intricacies of removing the pins and springs within the cylinder and replacing can be tricky. Remember, for safety sake you need to ensure your locks are done properly for maximum security. If the locking system is in a scheme community, it is advised you change the entire locking device. This is because these communities are built with master key pins in the locking mechanisms. For a DIY job, replacing the entire locking system will be a good idea. If the lock is of good quality, re-keying the lock cylinder will eliminate the likelihood of a master key being used for access to your home.